
Information about Cin/Optic Media will be available at all film festival events or contact Mark Skwarski or Erin Smith.

Noon Documentary Shorts

Kick Like a Girl Jenny Mackenzie, 2008
Produced by Geralyn White Dreyfous

When the undefeated girls soccer team, the Mighty Cheetahs, begins competing in the boys division both boys and girls get an opportunity to think about what it means to "kick like a girl" both on and off the playing field. 35 years after Title IX, 8-year-old girls are still breaking new ground. Produced by featured guest Geralyn White Dreyfous. Visit the website. (28 minutes)

Pulling Together MTU Doc Class, 2007

Pulling Together: The Little Community That Could shows how fitness director Terry Smythe rallied the community to win the 2007 North American Indoor Rowing Championships. See what can happen when fitness really is for everyone. (14 minutes)

4:00 Sisters In Law
Introduced by Dr. Diane Shoos

From internationally renowned director Kim Longinotto, co-directed by Florence Ayisi. In the little town of Kumba, Cameroon, there have been no convictions in spousal abuse cases for 17 years. But two women determined to change their community are making progress that could change their country. (104 minutes)


7:00 p.m.
Born Into Brothels:
Calcutta's Red Light Kids

Zana Briski and Ross Kaufmann, 2004

Culture, a short film by Avijit Halder

Executive Producer Geralyn White Dreyfous and the film's gifted photographer Avijit Halder will be presenting the Academy Award-winning documentary Born Into Brothels and discussing the international Kids with Cameras program started by Briski, Kaufmann and Dreyfous in 2002.

Read more about our featured guests.

Reception: A reception for Geralyn and Avijit will be held in the McArdle at 6:00 p.m.