Lifestyle with no reservations


Anthony Bourdain’s show “No Reservations” is one of the big hits of the Travel Channel

As we all know, media has a huge impact on food today. There are countless cooking shows on the television, Instagram accounts dedicated to food, Pinterest recipe sharing boards – a whole network of food for us to browse.

Most importantly food has become a popular lifestyle.

One of the biggest ambassadors of  foodie lifestyle is Anthony Bourdain, a chef, author, and a media personality. Bourdain has written several (cook) books and also shares his thoughts of life and food (of course) on his blog.

Most people know him from his traveling show Anthony Bourdain – No Reservations, which is one of the most popular shows on the Travel Channel. This well-filmed educational program celebrates food and braces the cultural differences. Even though food is the main focus, No Reservations is not an ordinary cooking show. It does not try to sell recipes or kitchen tricks to its audience – it wants to open peoples eyes to the world of food via traveling.

This lifestyle seems to be appealing to ever-bigger amount of people who are naturally interested in food and open to experience something new. The key thing about No Reservations that seems to be the most appealing to the mass audiences is not only Bourdain’s charisma but also the concept of the show and how it is shot. Bourdain, who is also a huge fan of street-food, visits not only the big cities in wealthy countries but also pays attention to hidden gems of  less known countries and cultures.

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