Category: Uncategorized

A Blog for the Cookbook Timeline

If one is to understand the publishing evolution of cookbooks, starting with a simple Google search may be sufficient.  “Cookbook History, Titles, Technology, Timeline,” offers information on the western cookbook and its evolution.  The blog is only one page long,…

Seasoned Advice

Ever want to be able to ask a food question online, and get a serious answer?  I’ve tried Yahoo Answers, and was disappointed with the results.  Seasoned Advice is different.  It is a site for amateur and professional chefs to…

Pot-infused Munchies

It is a stoner’s dream: getting high while eating at the same time! As a DARE graduate, it seems strange that marijuana, a federal illegal drug, is now sold for recreation. On January 1st I visited Colorado and experienced the booming food scene that…

The Explanation of Our Increased Magnitude

The website “This is Why You’re Huge” discusses why different foods  have made America fat.  The strange part about the website is that even though the title is bluntly insulting, the obesity epidemic website seems to be honoring the food,…

Serious Eats–It’s Seriously Good! is a group of websites dedicated to celebrate foods of all kinds.  From all around the world, each site–which is brought together through they’re online community–aims to appreciate anything edible.  Posting more than 20 posts a day, this site…

Where Stereotypes Bloom & Grow!

Every ethnicity, social group or sexuality has its own cultural stereotypes that have been around for sometime. Most of these generalizations get passed on through each generation, some thankfully dwindle, and these claims can be hurtful or just downright false.…

Outrageous Food Culture: Epic Meal Time

For Harley Morenstein and his friends, “normal” cooking is too tame. With their Youtube Channel, blog, and spinoff Epic Chef, Epic Meal Time creates new, gluttonous recipes using the most “manly” of ingredients: copious amounts of meat and booze. This is…

Cook Dinner in 15 Seconds?

Today’s fast-paced style of living doesn’t slow down in the kitchen. The recent food craze on Instagram led me to @videomeals, the worlds shortest cooking show. The profile includes 200+ quick and healthy video recipes ranging from pesto pasta with salmon to cookie balls. The Australian narrator, @slimmy82, claims not to be a chef, nutritionist or calorie counter. He just loves to cook with new and healthy ingredients. If you like fast and simple cooking and are in need of some quick guidance, these videos are for you.

Follow @videomeals on Instagram

VideoMeals Website

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