Roaming Hunger Brings You Closer to Japanese Hotdogs

A hot dog with nori, carrots, green onion and Japanese mayo? YES.

A hot dog with nori, carrots, green onion and Japanese mayo? YES.

So just last weekend, I was in Seattle for a conference when I came across a group of food trucks offering all different kinds of delicious food. If you aren’t familiar with food trucks, they are exactly what they sound like — mini take-out restaurants on wheels. Anyway, I ate this delicious hot dog from a place called Gourmet Dog Japon that focuses on the fusion of hotdogs and Japanese food. I know, right? As someone who loves food, especially when it is on wheels, I looked into finding more food trucks in the area and I stumbled upon a website called Roaming Hunger. One of the most useful features of Roaming Hunger is it’s City Maps section. In this section, you can click on any of some of the busiest cities in the country and it will display a map of all the food trucks in that city, where they are and where they will be during your lunch break. Suddenly want a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich on the streets of Chicago or a cupcake at 2am? You’ve got it! When you click on the food truck,

Map of current trucks in Chicago

Map of current trucks in Chicago.

you are then brought to a page that features pictures of the food that is offered there, live tweets from the truck and most importantly — their menu. Now, this is not the only website of its kind. A website called Trux Map also offers views a map of food truck locations. However, the options with this website are sparse when compared to Roaming Hunger. The website also does not have features such as customer photos or live tweets telling you where the trucks are.

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