Skinnytaste–Why sacrifice taste for lower fat?

Ricotta Cheese Chocolate Chip Muffins

Ever wondered if your favorite dish came in a low-fat version?  Or maybe you think that “low-fat” means “low-flavor”.  Gina Homolka, creator of, develops recipes that must be both “skinny” (low in fat), and “tasty”.  She offers 32 different recipe categories, including (but not limited) breakfast, snacks, lamb, vegetarian, and gluten-free.

Gina’s philosophy is to “eat seasonal, clean, whole foods and maintain good portion control.”  Her site also gives you an option to save your favorite recipes in a recipe box, and it even generates a shopping list.  I find this option extremely useful when planning my meals for the week.

As well as posting recipes several times a week, Gina also posts “Skinny Bits”, where she answers questions ranging from cooking tips, health tips, reviews, and even giveaways.  Also available in her blog is a list of blogs that she follows, including food blogs, healthy living, and photography blogs.

What I like most about Gina’s blog, is that she also includes pictures of all her recipes.  I am definitely the type of person that looks at the picture to decide if I want to try a new recipe.  I also find it helpful that ALL of her recipes are Weight Watcher friendly.

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