Category: Culture

How to: Fuel Your Foodie-ness with Buzzfeed

Buzzfeed is a mecca for all people list-crazy and one of their sections that I always tend to gravitate towards is “food.” Buzzfeed is continuously publishing list after list of 29 Delicious Asian-Inspired Soups and 5 Cheap and Delicious Dinners…

Crazy Sexy Fooding

Kris Carr discovered that she had a type of incurable stage four cancer in 2003. Since then she has transformed her life towards healthy positive living, with an attitude of gratitude, and love for life. In order to heal her…

“Our Food” is your food !

Life today is more hectic than ever and many people struggle to find time to cook at home. Eating out is more of an everyday principle than an occasional treat. Many people, who mostly eat out, say that it is cheaper…

A Cookbook for Man’s Best Friends

Many people, including myself, are proud and loving dog owners (and cat owners) but have you ever thought about what you’re feeding them? We are so caught up with our own health that many of us completely overlook what we…

Hipsters are taking over the world!

Vegans and hipsters are becoming linked together, giving the vegan lifestyle a rich and uptight reputation. However, vegans are nothing of the sort. Not all vegans are snapping selfies with their lunches, live off their parents paychecks or look like…

Fasting Is A Thing Of The Past

Yesterday I visited Roy’s Bakery at their new location by the waterfront on Lakeshore Drive in Houghton. The vast selection of breads, pasties, and other baked goods was impressive. Whilst ordering a traditional pasty, I noticed a sign taped to…