Category: Identity

Living with an Autoimmune Disease

As most of my friends know, I have been recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease — Hashimoto’s.  I have spent the past few weeks looking at food blogs dedicated to making life easier for those with my illness. I was…

Accuracy is Important

  In any field you go into, there are going to be those small issues that no one even thinks about until the less experienced start to make their way in.  The people at Bon Appetit have compiled a list…

Men Taking Over The Kitchen?

A new study from JWT London concludes that 74% of men are proud of their skill in the kitchen. To cater to this growing male demographic, Allrecipes, the world’s number one food and recipe site, launched their Man Tested Recipes…

Less carbs, better thinking…

That muffin that you eat for snack at work might be killing your brain. Natures sunshine website has hundreds of post about health, one that caught my attention was how carbs are not good for your brain. You hear how carbs…

Fast food made him LOSE weight!?

Meet Omar Elbaga, an enthusiastic researcher pushing the boundaries of his own health for a risky, 30 day food experiment. For one month, he ate nothing but fatty, processed, fast foods and by the end of it, he actually lost weight. On his blog, he documents his story through a 70 minute video as well as posts about his findings and his troubles along the way. Even though he lost around 10 lbs., is his body really “healthier” than it was before?

His documentary is similar to the infamous movie SupersIze Me  where Morgan Spurlock eats everything on the McDonald’s menu for a period of 30 days. In Spurlock’s case, and basically everyone else in the world, fast food cause his body only to go through only extremely negative effects. Through both films, we learn more about the effects these fast food products cause to our bodies and our minds.


The Ironic Rhetoric of HIPSTERFOOD

HIPSTERFOOD was a finalist in the Best Original Recipes category of the Saveur 2013 Best Food Blog Awards. “Hipsterfood is a food blog here to show you that vegan food isn’t a fad,” they proudly declare in their sidebar. Every…

Are these the messages we send to our children?

Cartoons are a huge influence on kid’s lives these days as they spend so much time in front of the TV. The episodes are made to teach them responsibility, honesty and being a good friend, but did you ever think a cartoon would teach a child how to bake? I apologize in advance for this video, it is pretty agonizing to watch because of its raw cheesy-ness, over enthusiastic facial expressions and puppet people, but I think the topic is worth diving into. It is a Nickelodeon show where the characters of Lazy Town are together in the kitchen baking a cake and singing along. The choices this video and cartoon chose to get the kids attention through song in order to teach them a lesson are valid. They use many goofy characters, so every kid can relate to one of them, and get the message across that this is how you bake a cake. Kids absorb information and “rules” of our world like sponges, so we need to be careful what messages we put in front of them. See what other choices or persuasive strategies you can point out in this energetic video. Is a hyper girl with pink hair the girl you want teaching your child lessons in life?

Note: There is a Lil John remix version that I almost posted by accident…. Close one! 🙂

Time to Check That Off the List So just how many of these cookbook recipe sites offer practical advice on everyday cooking?  As I have noticed, most offer unique dishes which many people have probably never thought of doing.  But what about those who want help…